The African Union successfully deploys the full team of its Monitoring, Verification and Compliance Mission in Mekelle, Tigray Region of Ethiopia

The African Union has successfully deployed the full team of the AU Monitoring, Verification and Compliance Mission (AU-MVCM) in Mekelle, Tigray region, Ethiopia.

The deployment of African experts is consistent with Article 11 of the Agreement, relating to the Monitoring, Verification, and Compliance of the Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (COHA) signed on 2 November 2022, and specifically to the Parties’ agreement to appoint, through the AU High-Level Panel, a team of African experts to monitor the implementation of the permanent cessation of hostilities.

The Chairperson of the AU Commission, His Excellency Moussa Faki Mahamat, once again commends the Parties for the continued positive confidence-building measures since the signing of the Permanent COHA and congratulates them for the cooperation and collaboration with the AU MVCM since the launch of the Mission on 29 December 2022. The Chairperson further encourages the Parties to continue these significant steps towards the successful implementation of the COHA in efforts to restore peace, security and stability in Ethiopia.

The AU Commission expresses its gratitude to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), for their commitment to the spirit of African Solutions to African Problems and the AU’s Silencing the Guns agenda.

Furthermore, the AU Commission further expresses its appreciation to the Governments of the Republic of Kenya, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Republic of South Africa, as well as bilateral and multilateral partners, for their continued support for the AU-led process.

Source: African Union

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