The 9th edition of the environmental holiday camp has drawn its curtains in Sindou

Placed under the patronage of the High Commissioner of the province of Léraba , Mahamadi Congo and the sponsorship of SAPHYTO , the closing ceremony of the 9th edition of the environmental holiday camp took place on Wednesday August 30, 2023 at the youth and culture center of Sindou , capital of the province of Léraba .

The provincial directorate of the Environment of Léraba , in order to promote environmental education, organizes each year in Sindou , a holiday camp for the benefit of students during a month of vacation in Sindou .

Started since the 2015 holidays, this initiative is in its 9th edition in this year of 2023. The goal is to raise awareness among young people of the realities of environmental problems while giving them the foundations for safeguarding and/or for the restoration of their environment.

This 9th edition allowed campers to be equipped with saponification through the manufacture of three types of soap, the right way to manage their environment.

The recital, ballets and sketches were also on the program. In addition, the camp was an opportunity to reforest around 1,000 trees located in schools and health facilities and in private homes.

The campers also had the chance to take an excursion to the Douna caves , a tourist site revealing the history of the host population.

The provincial director of the environment ( DPE ) of Léraba , promoter of this initiative, Foé André Joseph Bonaventure Traoré , says he is reassured by the awareness among learners in view of their obvious interest in the issue environmental.

Out of the hundred campers, 43 received prizes for school supplies, following the evaluation of the knowledge learned during this camp.

Before declaring this 9th edition closed, the high commissioner of the province, Mahamadi Congo, thanked and congratulated in particular the DPE , Foé André Joseph Bonaventure Traoré, his collaborators as well as all the goodwill who contributed financially or materially to the success of this holiday camp.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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