The 2nd Russia-Africa Summit enshrines the principle of participation limited to the States of the continent recognized by the UN

By solemnly inviting to its summit, for the second consecutive time, the only African States which enjoy official recognition from it, Russia irreversibly consecrates the principle of participation limited to African countries recognized by the United Nations.

Indeed, Russia has invited all the African States with which it has bilateral relations, and which are recognized by the UN, and this, despite the pressure exerted by certain countries, such as South Africa and Algeria, by abusing their friendship with Moscow to impose any participation of the “polisario” in this summit.

The Russian decision, adopted sovereignly for the second consecutive time, is therefore not a position dictated in the urgency of the moment for the needs of the event in question. It is now understood as a principle, which does not suffer from any ambiguity, of participation restricted to African States recognized by the UN, surrounded by all the legal and diplomatic guarantees that preside over the organization of this summit and the -of the.

Evidenced by all the documents that were adopted at the end of this summit, in particular the four declarations and the action plan, which establish in a clear and unequivocal manner, the format of participation.

Moreover, the introductory paragraph of all these official documents uses the following wording: “We Heads of State and Government of the Russian Federation and of the African States recognized by the United Nations Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Russian Federation and African States) and representatives of the African Union and leading African integration organizations”.

This principle thus solemnly enshrined in the official documents of the work of this Russian-African High Mass has established, in a clear and definitive manner, that only the 54 Member States of the African Union recognized by the United Nations are members of this summit.

The decision adopted by Russia contrasts decisively and unequivocally with that adopted by the European Union which, under the French Presidency, had, in violation of international legality, invited the leader of the “polisario” to the Summit EU-AU which was held in Brussels in February 2022.

Moreover, the contested and debatable presence of the leader of the “polisario” militia had undermined the seriousness of this famous meeting and aroused embarrassment and reprobation from many countries present, outraged by the fact that the EU tolerated the participation of this individual prosecuted by several European judicial authorities for war crimes and for violation of human rights.

Thus, the EU, which considers Morocco as a strategic and privileged partner, allowed itself to be inflicted with a very cumbersome intruder. Although neither its institutions nor its Member States recognize the latter, the EU paradoxically showed its consent by offering, during the Brussels summit, a jump seat to a notorious criminal, who denounced the ceasefire agreement signed under the aegis of the UN and threatens the security of Morocco, beyond, peace and stability in the immediate neighborhood of the EU.

Jealous of the territorial integrity of its Member States in the face of the separatist thrusts which spare almost no one, the EU should be just as jealous of the security and stability of Morocco, which it considers – rightly – as a strategic and privileged partner. This means that firmness and intransigence on matters of principle is a choice that pays off. Several Moroccan partners have made this choice. Russia, which took the plunge in 2019, persists and now signs, respecting the commitments made.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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