Tharaka Nithi Hosts Public Forum to Enhance Budget Accountability

KATHWANA, Tharaka Nithi County: The State Department for Public Health and Professional Standards in Kenya has initiated a public participation forum aimed at improving the use of government resources for the welfare of citizens.

According to Kenya News Agency, the National Treasury Public Participation Forum, in partnership with Tharaka Nithi County government, has been conducted to ensure responsible investment and prevention of misuse of public assets. The event underscored the importance of completing impactful projects across various sectors, as designated by the national treasury.

During the forum, Muthoni highlighted the government’s dedication to addressing the populace’s needs, thereby enhancing the efficiency of service delivery. She emphasized the government’s responsibility to provide affordable and accessible healthcare, monitoring various departments to ensure widespread benefits.

Muthoni also pointed out the necessity of a Memorandum of Understanding with the county government to ensure that resources are well-utilized and projects are not left unfinished. She committed to the training and hiring of additional nurses to bolster healthcare services in hospitals.

In addition, Tharaka Nithi County Governor Muthomi Njuki stressed the significance of public participation in determining priorities for all sectors. He disclosed the ongoing assessment of projects to ensure their completion, advocating for the prioritization of current projects over initiating new ones to prevent the squandering of taxpayer funds.

Njuki asserted that it is crucial for government officials to oversee the smooth progression of all local projects, focusing on initiatives that enhance the quality of life for residents, such as road and water dam constructions. He remarked that the budgeting process would be adjusted to take immediate action based on public opinion.

The governor also mentioned that his administration has been conducting assessments across all county facilities to identify and address deficiencies in manpower and facilities.

The forum witnessed active participation and organization by key local figures, including Tharaka Nithi County Commissioner Wesley Koech, Deputy Governor Wilson ‘Muisrael’ Nyaga, and Luke Marengo, the Majority Party Leader in the County Assembly.

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