Thanksgiving Mass Celebrated by Alumni of Saint Augustin Seminary in Baskouré


Kourittenga — Alumni of the Saint Augustin minor seminary in Baskouré gathered for a thanksgiving mass on Sunday, August 4, 2024. The event, orchestrated by the Association of Alumni of the Petit Séminaire Saint Augustin de Baskouré (AASB), featured Archbishop Emeritus Monseigneur Séraphin François Rouamba and marked a reunion of priests and former seminarians.

According to Burkina Information Agency, president of the Association of Former Seminarians, the reunion was an opportunity to renew old friendships and support the seminary that played a significant role in their lives. “We established this office because we all passed through this house, and for this house to continue to exist, we former residents must support it,” Dawendé stated.

Abbot Laurent Sandwidi, the director of the Saint Augustin minor seminary, expressed appreciation for the alumni’s ongoing commitment to the institution. “The initiative is very good and should be welcomed. I am very happy that these former seminarians have returned to show their fraternities, and also to help the seminary in their own way,” the director remarked.

Placide Nadembèga, another former seminarian, reflected positively on the impact of the gathering and the activities that took place. He encouraged continued participation and support for the association’s efforts to sustain their alma mater.

The event culminated with a special gesture as the president of the Association, Denis Dawendé, presented a certificate of recognition to Archbishop Emeritus Monseigneur Séraphin François Rouamba, honoring his contributions and leadership.