Terrorism: Nationals of Koulpelogo call for help


Ouagadougou, March 14, 2023 (AIB) – Nationals of Koulpelogo affirmed Tuesday in Ouagadougou, their support for the public authorities, before asking them to help their locality, taken in pincer by the multiplication of terrorist attacks and a very worrying humanitarian situation.

Nationals of the province of Koulpelogo hosted on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 in Ouagadougou, a press conference on the security and humanitarian situation prevailing in their locality.

“We, nationals of Koulpelogo, reaffirm our support for the action for the reconquest and securing of the province of Koulpelogo and the entire territory of Burkina Faso by the national authorities, the FDS and the VDP through their constant efforts and their permanent sacrifices”, declared at the start, the president of initiatives Urgence Koulpelogo (IUK), Raphaël Salembéré.

However, according to him, urgent actions must be taken to rescue the Koulpelogo.

According to Mr. Salembéré, the province is proving to be the epicenter of attacks in the Center-East region, with victims and its share of victims, internally displaced persons, the closure of schools and health centers.

The president outlined the consequences of terrorism in the province of Koulpelogo and urged the authorities to pay particular attention to it.

In terms of the security emergency, he explained, among other things, the kidnappings and executions, the shortage of supplies and the absence of security on the Tenkodogo-Ouargaye axis.

In terms of the social and humanitarian emergency, Mr. Salembéré decried the growing number of internally displaced persons, the closure of social services and the closure of public services.

He also added the ransacking of mobile phone infrastructure.

“The province of Koulpelogo suffers enormously from its isolation and the insufficiency, even the absence of roads and road infrastructures”, he argued.

Raphaël Salembéré recalled the abandonment of production spaces, livestock and the ransacking of the cotton ginning factory (SOSOMAT) in Ouargaye.

“In view of the ever-increasing gravity of the situation, it seemed imperative for the daughters and sons of the province and the diaspora to organize themselves, to unite their energies in order to carry out much more convergent actions”, he continued.

The president of the IUK urged the government to take the Koulpelogo into account in the action plan for resilience and the fight against terrorism.

He also pleaded for the rehabilitation of departmental roads, the maintenance of tracks and the creation of access roads to health and school structures.

“We nationals of Koulpelogo renew our solidarity and our compassion to the populations who suffer martyrdom and invite them to support them”, he concluded.

As a reminder, several localities in Burkina, including the Center-East region, are in the grip of terrorist attacks causing numerous victims and internally displaced persons.

The President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré launched a few days ago, large-scale operations for the reconquest and securing of the territory which have already made it possible to neutralize several hundred terrorists and seize or destroy important logistics.

Source: Burkina Information Agency