Terrorism: In addition to weapons, it is important to rely on God, Pasteur Yé

The President of the Federation of Evangelical Churches and Missions (FEME) of Burkina Faso, Pastor Henri Yé, said on Saturday that to counter terrorism, in addition to armament, it is important to rely on God.

“The initiative of the Transitional government to organize a national day of fasting and prayer for peace in Burkina Faso is a noble initiative because this government has understood that we cannot rely only on ourselves, on our own strength, on our armament that we have. But how important it is to rely on the Eternal our God, it is he who created us,” said Pastor Henri Yé.

The president of the Federation of Evangelical Churches and Missions (FEME) of Burkina Faso spoke on Saturday, at the end of a day of prayer recommended by the government for social cohesion and the return of peace.

As a reminder, Burkina Faso has suffered for eight years, terrorist attacks which have taken the lives of several hundred people and caused the displacement of more than two million others as well as the closure of thousands of schools and health centers. .

Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who came to power on September 30, 2022, sounded the general mobilization against the Forces of Evil.

“As far as we are concerned, this is not the first meeting. We had to do prayer chains over time. Every time Burkina has been attacked, we have always knelt down, so we have been praying for a long time and we will continue to pray in our churches”, added Pasteur Yé.

Several members of the government made the trip to the site of the 75th anniversary of Ouagadougou where the national day of prayer for the evangelical community took place.

“The message that the religious authorities conveyed at the level of the FEME, they were really poignant messages, messages of questioning, messages” which calls us to take God for support, declared the Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs. foreigners, Olivia Rouamba

“At the same time, I wanted to challenge, I will not speak of unbelievers, but in fact of people who may have in them, an impotence of faith, so that they can also wake up spiritually and join the big Burkinabè family; so that together we can build a strong Nation, a Nation that can find favor in the eyes of the Lord of hosts,” she said.

Olivia Rouamba, who claims to be of the Catholic faith, found the idea of prayer for the Nation “ingenious”, because according to her, “nothing can be done without the will of God and no success can be based on the nil”.

Faithful Christian Monique Sawadogo rejoiced to be able to join with the brothers and sisters to implore the Lord for peace in Burkina Faso.

“Our Lord tells us that where two or three people are gathered together, he is in our midst. And there, we are many and if we raise our voices to heaven, the Lord will hear and surely, he will do something”, faith of Mrs. Sawadogo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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