Ten (10) suspects arrested during Operation Shanela


Police within the District embarked in Operation Shanela in Alice policing precinct over the weekend and that led to a great success where arrests has been made, illegal immigrants have been found and confiscation of drugs.

Operation Shanela is one of the operations adopted by the SAPS to prevent crime. Police were doing stop and search in Alice and a roadblock was conducted where vehicles were stopped and thirteen (13) fines were issued to an amount of R12 300. During their crime prevention duties they recovered half bag of dagga, sixty two (62) dagga bompies and fifteen (15) arms of dagga. The arrest include four illegal immigrants that were arrested with the assistance of immigration officers.

These suspects aged between 19 and 51 were charged for Possession of dagga, assault, illegal immigrants and will appear at Alice Magistrate Court today and tomorrow.

The Amathole District Commissioner Major General Ngangema Xakavu has welcomed the great success achieved and arrests made by the officers and applauded the commanders for the good outcomes.

Source: South African Police Service