Tapoa: OCADES Caritas offers cash and animals to vulnerable households

Diapaga, (AIB)-OCADES / CARITAS BUKINA, through the Diocesan Executive Secretariat (SED), delivered on July 13, 2023, breeding animals and cash transfer to internally displaced persons and vulnerable resident households in Diapaga. The enclosure of the parish of Diapaga lent its setting to the said ceremony.

The attacks of terrorist groups in the towns and villages of the province of Tapoa have caused a continuous deterioration of security conditions and an unprecedented deterioration of the economic fabric.

This weakening of the security context and the population’s lack of access to means of subsistence have led to a rapid increase in the number of IDPs in the town of Diapaga.

Despite their integration into the urban fabric, these displaced people live in very precarious conditions. It is therefore to preserve the dignity of these people that OCADES/CARITAS Burkina, with the financial support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, implemented in 2021 a project entitled “Emergency AID for Displaced Persons and host families in the regions of the Center North, Boucle du Mouhoun and East”.

It is therefore in the implementation of this project that 155 former vulnerable resident households and former IDPs benefited from food assistance through CASH transfers of 35,000f each that they will receive over a period of 3 months.

42 former IDPs and vulnerable resident households benefited from 126 breeding animals, including 42 males and 84 females.

The objective according to the animator of OCADES Diabindo Ouoba being to contribute to strengthening the means of existence through the strengthening of agro-pastoral production.

Each household received three heads including one male and two females.

In the same vein, 75 new IDPs each received 56,000 FCFA which will be paid for three months.

155 former IDPs and AMR each received 35,000f which will also be paid for 3 months. As for the host households 27 received 56,000 each. This amount will be paid only once.

Alongside the money, OCADES gave 75 hygiene kits to 75 new IDPs and 60 dignity kits to 60 others. Children from these IDPs whose age is between 6 and 23 months have benefited from infant flour as part of the prevention of malnutrition .

Mr. Ouoba, on behalf of the parish priest Marcel Guy Yougbaré, thanked all the participants before inviting the beneficiaries to take care of the animals received.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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