
Nahouri Province Engages in Civic Clean-up for National Days of Patriotic Commitment

PÔ — On April 6, 2024, the Nahouri province, led by High Commissioner Auguste Kinda, embarked on a significant health day initiative at the Nahouri High Commission as part of the National Days of patriotic commitment. This event saw the active participation of various community members, including provincial directors, department heads, defense and security forces, opinion leaders, and volunteers dedicated to defending the homeland, all coming together to clean the high commission’s courtyard.

According to Burkina Information Agency, this initiative follows a successful launch of the days of patriotic commitment and citizen participation that took place on March 26, 2024, marked by the ceremonial raising of colors. The latest mobilization for a health day reflects the province’s commitment to not only maintain a pleasant living environment but also embody the spirit of patriotism through collective action.

From the early hours of the morning, participants equipped with machetes, rakes, and brooms gathered at the High Commission’s courtyard, demonstrating a shared resolve to enhance the cleanliness and aesthetic of their communal space. The High Commissioner expressed his gratitude towards all those who contributed to this significant effort, highlighting it as a testament to the province’s unity and dedication to patriotic values.

Kinda also seized the opportunity to advocate for the cultivation of tolerance, communal harmony, and support for internally displaced persons within the province, emphasizing the importance of solidarity in times of need. He further called upon customary and religious authorities to offer blessings and prayers for the security forces actively involved in efforts to reclaim national territory.

The health day activities conducted in Pô were part of a broader initiative that spanned across all five municipalities of the Nahouri province, underlining the widespread engagement in the National Days of patriotic commitment and citizen participation. This collective effort not only underscores the community’s commitment to civic responsibility but also fosters a sense of national pride and cooperation among its members.

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