
Houndé Honors 19 Departing School Leaders for Distinguished Service

Houndé — In a ceremonial act of respect and gratitude, the social unit of heads of post-primary and secondary institutions in the province of Tuy paid homage to 19 departing school principals and directors on Saturday, November 4, 2023, in Houndé.

According to Burkina Information Agency, president of the social unit and headmaster of the Tuy provincial high school, the event was organized to honor these individuals for their years of dedicated service within the province of Tuy, as they move on to serve in new capacities elsewhere. The ceremony was notable for the presence of newly appointed school heads, reflecting a time of transition and continuity in the educational leadership of the region.

Each outgoing principal and director was commemorated with a painting, symbolizing both recognition and memory of their contributions. Furthermore, the Tuy provincial directorate of post-primary and secondary education presented letters of recognition, acknowledging the valuable services rendered to the educational community.

Domboué spoke of the spirit of camaraderie and solidarity that the social unit embodies, highlighting these values as fundamental to the organization. In his address, he expressed appreciation for the cohesive work and efforts of the outgoing leaders and extended a warm welcome to the incoming principals and directors, emphasizing the importance of collaborative contribution and shared experience.

On behalf of the departing heads, Salomon Traoré, former principal of the Pê high school, expressed gratitude for the recognition received from both the social unit and the provincial directorate. He underscored the fruitful cooperation that has characterized their tenure and extended best wishes to the successors, urging them to maintain effective collaboration for the benefit of the province’s students.

The event also served as an occasion to introduce new educational leaders to the social unit’s membership, setting the stage for continued partnership and success in Tuy’s academic institutions.

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