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Nova análise da Oceana descobre que a pescaria de atum está mascarando US $ 411 milhões da indústria de tubarões azuis

Oceana pede às organizações regionais de gestão da pesca e aos países-membros para que gerenciem de forma abrangente a pesca dos tubarões-azuis WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Um novo estudo solicitado pela Oceana revela que as embarcações autorizadas a pescar nas águas das organizações regionais de gestão da pesca do atum (ORGP) estão […]

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President of the Republic Exalts Patriotism in Naming Hospitals.

Ndalatando: President João Lourenço clarified, on Tuesday in Ndalatando, that the service provided to the homeland is the reason for the attribution to the new infrastructures of the names of individuals linked to politics, religion or other areas. Th...
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President of the Republic Exalts Patriotism in Naming Hospitals.

Ndalatando: President João Lourenço clarified, on Tuesday in Ndalatando, that the service provided to the homeland is the reason for the attribution to the new infrastructures of the names of individuals linked to politics, religion or other areas. Th...

Azerbaijan: Ambassador Highlights Actions to Combat Climate Change.

Baku: Angola's ambassador to Kenya, Sianga Abílio, on Wednesday in Baku, Azerbaijan, highlighted the efforts of the Angolan government for the energy transition and reduction of greenhouse gases. Speaking to the press on the sidelines of the COP29 Hig...

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