Oceana pede às organizações regionais de gestão da pesca e aos países-membros para que gerenciem de forma abrangente a pesca dos tubarões-azuis WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Um novo estudo solicitado pela Oceana revela que as embarcações autorizadas a pescar nas águas das organizações regionais de gestão da pesca do atum (ORGP) estão […]
Melbourne: Half of Australian children and adolescents aged five to 24 are forecast to be obese or overweight by 2050, with a third expected to fall into the obesity category, according to new research published on Tuesday, the World Obesity Day.
Isinya: Residents of Isinya in Kajiado East Constituency have been advised to prioritize medical care at approved health facilities rather than relying on traditional healing methods when they fall ill. This initiative was emphasized during a free med...
China: China's State Council Information Office on Tuesday released a white paper, titled "Controlling Fentanyl-Related Substances -- China's Contribution."
According to Namibia Press Agency, the white paper outlines China's efforts and initiatives...