
ISW Holdings Fecha Contrato Importante de Hospedagem/Mineração com o Líder Global Bitmain para o Lançamento da Fase Um da Nova Operação de Mineração de...

LAS VEGAS, July 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via InvestorWire — A ISW Holdings, Inc. (OTC: ISWH) (“ISW Holdings” ou a “Empresa”), uma empresa global de gestão de marcas, tem o prazer de anunciar a assinatura de um contrato de hospedagem de mineração de criptomoedas (o “Contrato”) com a Bitmain Technologies (“Bitmain”), o principal produtor […]

ISW Holdings conclut un important accord d’hébergement/minage avec le leader mondial Bitmain pour lancer la première phase de son opération de minage de cryptomonnaies...

LAS VEGAS, 27 juill. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via InvestorWire — L’entreprise mondiale de gestion de marques ISW Holdings, Inc. (OTC : ISWH) (ci-après « ISW Holdings » ou la « Société ») a le plaisir d’annoncer la signature d’un accord d’hébergement pour le minage de cryptomonnaies (ci-après l’« Accord ») avec Bitmain Technologies (ci-après « Bitmain »), premier producteur mondial de matériel de minage […]

Ne vous limitez pas aux seuls grands transporteurs avec Marine Online

La numérisation permet de résoudre les difficultés des propriétaires de cargaisons à trouver des navires SINGAPOUR, le 27 juillet, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Depuis le blocage du canal de Suez, la chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale se bat aujourd’hui pour trouver des navires pour ses expéditions et pour obtenir un espace à des tarifs exorbitants. Toutefois, les propriétaires de […]

Never Limited To Only Big Carriers With Marine Online

Addressing cargo owners’ difficulties finding vessels with digitalisation SINGAPORE, July 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Ever since the Suez Canal blockage, the world supply chain today struggles with finding vessels for their consignments and exorbitant rates to secure space. However, cargo owners need not limit themselves to their existing network of vessels by their traditional practices of […]

UL Collaborates with WIZZIT Digital to Advance Retail Payments in Sub-Saharan Africa with Launch of a SoftPOS with PIN Mobile Payment Solution

UL and WIZZIT Digital help speed deployment of contactless payments to help drive financial inclusion and empower merchants of all sizes realize their ambitions. JOHANNESBURG, July 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — UL, the global safety science leader, has announced that WIZZIT Digital, a digital payments company, has launched a Tap2Pay software point-of-sale (SoftPOS) solution with personal identification […]

Zoom Elevates Platform Experience with Launch of Zoom Apps and Zoom Events

Zoom Drives Innovation of Video Communications with New Solutions to Empower the Hybrid Workforce SAN JOSE, Calif., July 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) today announced the general availability of its latest innovations, Zoom Apps and Zoom Events. Zoom Apps seamlessly embeds third-party apps within the Zoom Meetings and desktop client experience, enhancing collaboration, productivity, […]

Zoom va acquérir Five9

La combinaison de la solide plateforme de communications de Zoom et du centre de contact cloud intelligent de Five9 permettra aux organisations d’imaginer une nouvelle manière d’interagir avec leurs clients SAN JOSÉ, Californie, et SAN RAMON, Californie, 21 juill. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ : ZM) a annoncé aujourd’hui la conclusion d’un […]

Zoom Adquire Five9

A união da robusta plataforma de comunicações Zoom com a central de atendimento inteligente na nuvem da Five9 permitirá que as duas empresas reimaginem o envolvimento com seus clientes SAN JOSE e SAN RAMON, Califórnia, July 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) divulgou hoje que fechou um acordo definitivo […]

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