Tabaski: Les musulmans invités à fêter avec de la retenue


The Muslim community of Nahouri like the Muslims of Burkina prayed this Wednesday, June 28, 2023, Eid El Kébir.

And for the occasion it was the Place Némaro de Pô which served as the setting for this great meeting of the Muslim community.

They prayed for the authorities of the transition, the defense and security forces, the volunteers for the defense of the homeland engaged in the theater of operations.

The provincial authorities led by the High Commissioner of Nahouri Augustin Kinda went to greet and encourage the Muslims of Nahouri.

He wanted everyone to pray collectively and individually for a return to peace and social cohesion in Burkina Faso.

He also indicated that it takes sacred union behind the fighting forces who are fighting night and day to recover the entire territory.

This great prayer directed by Inabou Moumouni, the deputy of the Grand Imam of Pô also knew the presence of the sister communities. They came to show their solidarity with their Muslim brothers. After officiating the great prayer, Imam Inabou immolated the ram and wished that the faithful celebrate with restraint.

Source: Burkina Information Agency