Swakopmund Bridge Set for Safety Enhancements with New Streetlight Installation

SWAKOPMUND — A significant infrastructure project aimed at improving road safety and visibility will soon illuminate the Swakopmund bridge, following a tripartite agreement signed on Wednesday by the Erongo Regional Electricity Distributor (RED), Roads Authority (RA), and the Road Fund Administration (RFA).

According to Namibia Press Agency, the collaboration will see the installation of 24 stainless steel spigot streetlights along the bridge, and an additional 20 glass reinforced polyester streetlight poles equipped with LED luminaires at both ends of the bridge. The N$4.3 million project is co-funded by the three entities, with Erongo RED contributing N$1 million, while RA and RFA will each provide N$1.7 million. This initiative is scheduled for completion by December this year.

Erongo RED CEO Tino !Hanabeb remarked that this initiative stems from the company’s Network Infrastructure Joint Policy, which facilitates cooperative financing and execution of public electricity infrastructure projects. “By pooling our resources and expertise, we came together with a shared vision to create a safer, more vibrant environment for our community and motorists,” said !Hanabeb.

RA CEO Conrad Lutombi extended the scope of the project, indicating plans to expand the lighting installations to include the bridge at the Walvis Bay interchange and possibly extend it to the airport. Lutombi emphasized the project’s significance in enhancing safety, especially given the reduced visibility typical of coastal areas. He also expressed concern over the rising vandalism of road safety fixtures, which poses challenges to maintaining such infrastructure.

RFA CEO Ali Ipinge highlighted the importance of public-private partnerships in achieving developmental goals, especially in light of funding constraints. “We are constrained in terms of revenue through road user charges, but we need to make use of and invest what we get wisely while ensuring that the money we invest in road infrastructure is enhanced,” Ipinge stated.

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