Survey finds franchising as job-creating industry

Franchising is seen as a job-creating industry by 87.5% of the respondents, according to a survey carried out by franchising expertise firm Wefranchiz.

The survey is part of the 2022 edition of the Tunisian Franchising Barometer, presented Friday in Tunis, on the first edition of the “Tunisia Franchise Show.”

The survey was carried out in Greater Tunis in September 2022. It involved a representative sample of the target population aged between 25 and 55 years (510 individuals). The survey showed that 72.9% of the respondents have confidence in the ability of Tunisian brands to grow in franchising; 54.8% think that national brands are capable of growing both on the local market and abroad.

Participants also think that the sectors that have the greatest potential for franchising are restaurants (82.7%), hotels (76.3%), services (59.6%) and health (55.5%).

CEO of the Centre for Export Promotion (CEPEX) Mourad Ben Hassine said there are no technical or administrative obstacles hindering Tunisian companies to develop franchising in the regions. These companies benefit from incentives to develop their brands on the local market as a first step before internationalisation, he added.

Ben Hassine also stressed the need to accompany Tunisian companies wishing to internationalise their brands, given the complexity of technical and normative procedures on international markets, indicating the existence of private agencies specialising in the support of companies in franchising.

Founder of “WeFranchiz” and international expert in the development of franchise networks Rym Bedoui, on her part, said companies interested in franchising should prepare strategic studies to have an idea of the specificities and needs of the targeted markets.

The legislation on franchising in force in Tunisia encourages national companies to develop their products and services under franchise agreements, she pointed out.

Tunisia currently has between 200 and 250 franchise networks, more than two thirds of which are of Tunisian origin, she said, affirming that the franchise development mode will experience an upward trend in the coming years.

More than 40 exhibitors representing several sub-sectors of franchising such as education, automotive, business services, catering, aesthetics, textile and clothing and finance are taking part in the first edition of the Tunisia Franchise Show which is held in Tunis on March 3 and 4, 2023.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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