Sunni Movement Advocates for Social Cohesion During Tabaski 2024

OUAGADOUGOU — The Sunni Movement of Burkina Faso (MSBF) used the platform of the Tabaski festival on Sunday, June 16, 2024, to emphasize the values of tolerance, forgiveness, solidarity, union, and social cohesion. Dr. Mohamed Ishak Kindo, leading the prayers at the Ouaga 2000 conference room, highlighted Islam’s core values and urged the faithful to engage in acts of sharing and unity.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Minister of Communication Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, the presence of government officials at the prayers demonstrates the state’s solidarity with the Muslim community. The delegation, including ministers responsible for Communication, Mines, Sports, and Digital Transition, joined in prayers for national peace and unity. Dr. Kindo specifically called upon all Burkinabè, regardless of religious affiliation, to promote social cohesion and support the country’s development harmoniously. He also praised the efforts of the Fighting Forces working to maintain national stability and security. El hadj Oumarou Zoungrana, president of the MSBF, reiterated the importance of the day for Muslims globally and detailed the permissible sacrificial practices that include sheep, oxen, camels, and goats, depending on one’s means, underscoring the festival’s focus on worship and ritual devotion.

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