Successful operation held in Joe Gqabi District

A successful “Operation Sepo” were held over a three day period from the 17-19 July 2023 in the areas of Sterkspruit, Palmietfontein and Phumalanga in the Joe Gqabi District.

Operation “Sepo” is an operation that is held simultaneously across country and District borders.

The purpose of the operation is to enhance security with the Southern Africa Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (SARPCCO) regions for all the citizens to feel safe.

In the Joe Gqabi District the areas of operation included Sterkspruit, Palmietfontein and Phumalanga.

Members from different specialize units within the Province and District including the Vehicle investigating unit, Public order policing, crime intelligence, mounted Unit, stock theft unit, K9 unit, visible policing, Detectives, Provincial traffic, immigration and border police joined the local stations in the bi-lateral operation.

Daily the members were divided in groups that focused in hotspot areas on the checking of stolen vehicles, vehicles conveying stock, possession of drugs and unlicensed firearms and the unroadworthiness of vehicles.

Daily second hand goods shops and liquor outlets were visited for compliance inspections.

Stock posts were visited and the branding of stock inspected. The opportunity were also used to have awareness campaigns with the community members on the issue of stock theft.

High visibility patrols were held and wanted suspects traced for Assault and attempted murder.

The Joe Gqabi area had the following successes –

13 undocumented persons arrested

14 dangerous weapons were confiscated as found property

10 small and 2 larger plastic bags containing dagga confiscated

680 persons searched

445 vehicles searched

28 traffic fines issued to the value of R 17 600-00

The acting District Commissioner, Brig Asogran Naidoo applauded the members that participated in “Operation Sepo” for the successes reached as the community and the criminals could feel the SAPS presence.

Source: South African Police Service

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