Students in Burkina Faso’s High-Risk Zone Achieve 100% Pass Rate in National Exam

TOÉNI, SOUROU – In an impressive display of resilience and dedication, a group of 9 students from Toéni, a region frequently targeted by terrorist threats, achieved a 100% pass rate in the Primary Studies Certificate (CEP) exam.

According to Burkina Information Agency, which shared the results on its Facebook page, the students were supervised by members of the Rapid Action and Intervention Groups (GARSI) of the National Gendarmerie. The highest scorer among them earned 162 points, while the lowest scorer received 100 points.

The students had been under the supervision of the gendarmerie since October 16, 2023, pending the arrival of a permanent teacher. This area of Sourou has suffered from terrorist activities that have disrupted basic social services and caused population displacements. However, the continued presence of the gendarmerie and other security forces has reportedly led to improvements in the local situation, allowing educational activities to proceed unimpeded.

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