Statement on the commemoration of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (02.11.2021)


On the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, which was established with Resolution 68/163 (2014), tabled by Greece, of the UN General Assembly, Greece today pays tribute to all journalists and media workers around the world who have lost their lives, as well as to those who have suffered or continue to suffer serious violations of their rights while performing their professional duties.

Greece underlines the fundamental importance of freedom of the press, media independence and pluralism for effective democracy, good governance and the rule of law to materialize.

In this context, we unequivocally condemn any attempt to intimidate or attack journalists or media workers.

Moreover, we encourage states to meet their obligation to protect the freedom of expression and safety of journalists and media workers by establishing a coherent institutional and legal framework for the prevention of crimes against them and the exemplary punishment of those responsible.

Commemorating today’s anniversary, Greece co-hosts at the United Nations headquarters in New York, along with the Group of Friends for the Protection of Journalists and UNESCO, an online event themed: “Hate-speech and the safety of Women Journalists”.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias addressed, via video-recorded message, the aforementioned event.

Greece also co-hosts at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, along with France, an event themed: “Safety of Journalists: Freedom of expression under a gender perspective”.  

Read Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ address at UNESCO’s online event, here.