Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the achievement of a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza (21.05.2021)


We welcome the achievement of a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza, which we hope will allow for the consolidation of security and stability in the wider region.

Greece, being a European country and at the same time a country with traditional bonds with the countries of the region, actively contributes to the promotion of friendship and prosperity in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East through continuous bilateral contacts with all parties, as well as through the multilateral arrangements in which it participates.

We express our particular thanks to Egypt, with which we maintain close ties of friendship and cooperation, for the catalytic role it played in achieving the ceasefire.

Finally, it is pointed out that during yesterday’s meeting with his Egyptian counterpart, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias informed that, on the order of the Prime Minister, Greece will assist Egypt with aid for the treatment of wounded from Gaza.