Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 48th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus (20.07.2022)


Today’s somber anniversary of the 48th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus on 20 July 1974 and the continued illegal occupation of more than a third of the island by Turkish troops is a reminder to the international community of Turkey’s flagrant violation of International Law and United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

The Cyprus issue, just like the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine in recent months, remains an international issue of illegal invasion and occupation.

Greece, in full coordination with the Republic of Cyprus, is working with commitment to the fundamental principles of International Law, to the national objective, which has been and remains the achievement of an agreed, just, and viable solution to the Cyprus issue, with the transformation of the Republic of Cyprus into a bi-communal bi-zonal federation, within the framework set out in the relevant United Nations Resolutions.

Unfortunately, Turkey’s and the Turkish Cypriot leadership’s unacceptable claims make meaningful and effective negotiations within the agreed framework of the United Nations impossible to conduct, while its illegal actions in Varosha also move in a direction contrary to that prescribed by the international community.

Until a successful outcome is achieved, Greece will remain firmly committed to finding a just, functional, and viable solution to the Cyprus issue, which will safeguard Cyprus’s single sovereignty with the implementation of the European acquis throughout the entire Cypriot territory.

A solution that will also free the people of Cyprus from the anachronistic system of Guarantees and the invasive rights of third parties in its affairs and will ensure the complete withdrawal of illegal occupying troops.