Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on false reports regarding the alleged “removal” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson


The reference in some -fortunately limited- print and electronic media to the alleged “removal” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Spokesperson, Ambassador Alexandros Papaioannou, is a deliberate misrepresentation in defiance of the actual facts, which were already known to everyone. It is also an attempt to completely distort reality while disregarding the basic rules of journalism ethics.

Mr. Papaioannou was appointed Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Geneva by Presidential Decree of 4.8.22 published in the Government Gazette on 11.8.22.

His assignment order was issued on 7.9.22 with the assumption of duty -scheduled to take place within 10-20.12- on 12.12.22, so as Mr. Papaioannou will be able to present his credentials before the end of the year and the Christmas holidays in Switzerland.

In fact, ahead of his assumption of office, he had held a series of meetings with Ministers of the Government in recent days on issues related to his new duties, including with the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi, who made a relevant post on social media on 7.12.2022.

It is also known that in recent weeks, in view of Mr. Papaioannou’s departure, part of his duties was carried out by the current Spokesperson and then Deputy, Georgios Arnaoutis.

Lastly, on Tuesday 6.12.2022, at 14.00, in view of Mr. Papaioannou’s departure for Geneva, a ceremony was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the presence not only of members of the Diplomatic Corps but also of journalists.

The above, which was known yesterday, Friday 9.12.2022, when the first false reports on this issue were published, was deliberately concealed and continues to be concealed in certain media even today.