Stakeholders Actively Working To Combat HIV/AIDS

Nakuru County is hosting the second South Rift Valley Region Technical Working Group on HIV prevention, care, and treatment best practises forum aimed at advancing the fight against HIV/AIDS and sharing the best practises in combating the global challenge. The forum is themed ‘Moving from evidence to implementation in achieving HIV epidemic control,’ which will provide an opening for the sharing of knowledge, ideas, thoughts, and good practises to improve the collective performance of the region in the control of the HIV epidemic. County Directors for Medical Services Dr. Daniel Wainaina and Health Administration and Planning Dr. Joy Mugambi today graced the event, where they noted that Nakuru County has seen a great improvement over time, moving towards the mark of epidemic control. Dr. Wainaina commended the medical staff in the county for their efforts and positive counselling of the patients, which has contributed to a higher intake of the medications compared to the past, when some preferred herbs without any scientific efficacy. He added that a number of countries look up to Kenya’s achievements in the management of HIV/AIDS, which inadvertently contributed to the management of the 2019 COVID epidemic. He observed that the devastating effects of HIV/AIDS in the 1980s, when medication was out of reach for African countries, involuntarily prepared them and put them above other countries in the handling of any unaccepted epidemics. However, he said there was still more need for the prevention of diseases since management wasn’t only expensive for governments, but it also drains individuals and families both emotionally and financially. They also appreciated the great partnership of the implementing partners, especially between USAID and the County Government of Nakuru, in the realisation of Universal Health Coverage. The forum has attracted membership from Nakuru, Baringo, Samburu, Bomet, Laikipia, Nandi, Narok, and Kericho Counties.

Source: Kenya News Agency

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