Sports ministry seeking strong paths to promote cooperatives


Talatona – Angola’s minister of Youth and Sports Palmira Barbosa highlighted Monday the need to identify strong paths for the promotion of cooperatives.

The minister was speaking at the opening of the First National Forum on Promotion of Self-Employment and Youth Entrepreneurship.

According to her, the Executive intends to promote debates that lead to the promotion of cooperatives, mainly those based in rural areas.

Palmira Barbosa said the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Minjud) also intends to promote the creation of a strong network of contacts between young people and the State so that viable productive relations can be established and translated into tangible results.

The official said that real result would be, for example, to see well-structured youth incubators, arising through these entrepreneurial actions.

The minister also referred that the forum brings in its terms of reference the main objective of putting young entrepreneurs in contact with the main technical and financial support tools of the State, so that they can master the modalities to sustain their initiatives.

“Since there are sources of funding, we think it is essential that young people are successful so that they can strengthen their initiatives”, she said.

According to the minister, this forum appears as a vehicle for clear, open and enlightening discussion on the mechanisms for youth companies to benefit from the financing available in the country.

The First National Forum on Fostering Self-Employment and Youth Entrepreneurship was held with the aim of bringing together young entrepreneurs for an open reflection on the main business opportunities and the respective support granted by the Angolan State.

The event had the presence of young entrepreneurs, businesspeople and the main credit institutions and employability promotion. KAM

Source: Angola Press News Agency