Sport, Arts and Culture hosts Limpopo South African Geographical Names Capacity building workshop, 9 Mar


The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture invites members of the media on Wednesday, 9 March 2022 to the Geographical Names Capacity building workshop.

The South African Geographical Names Council (SAGNC) was established by the South African Geographical Names Council Act, 1998 (Act No.118 of 1998), as the body responsible for standardising geographical names in South Africa.

The workshop aims at capacitating municipal managers in the process of naming and renaming of buildings, places, and geographic places in the context of facilitating the promotion of a common national identity, social cohesion, and national healing.

This process was initiated in 1994 as an integral part of the overall transformation of the South African heritage landscape. The standardisation of geographical names seeks to rectify the historical perspective of geographical names, correct spelling mistakes, eradicate the geographical names duplication and affirm the history as well as identity of the province.

The workshop is scheduled to take place from 9-11 March 2022 in Polokwane at the Ranch Hotel.

Source: Government of South Africa