South African Parliament Concludes 2023 Sessions with Key Addresses and Legislation

Cape Town, South Africa – The National Assembly (NA) and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) of South Africa are preparing for their final sittings of the year, as announced by Parliament. The NA will conclude its business on Wednesday, while the NCOP will wrap up on Friday, initiating a constituency period for members until mid-December, followed by a leave period until January 5, 2024.

According to Parliament of South Africa, A highlight of this week’s parliamentary activities is the annual address by Deputy President Paul Mashatile to the NCOP, scheduled for Tuesday at 2 pm. Themed “Accelerating the provision of social services, safety, and the advancement of economic reforms for economic recovery in the interest of the people,” the address is traditionally delivered towards the year’s end, often coinciding with the Taking Parliament to the People programme. Unlike previous years, this year’s address will take place in Parliament.

The NA’s agenda includes considering Budgetary Review and Recommendation Reports (BRRR) from various Portfolio Committees, including Forestry, Fisheries and Environment; Justice and Correctional Services; Higher Education, Science and Innovation, and Public Enterprises. The NA will also deliberate on several crucial pieces of legislation, such as the National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Bill and the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill.

Wednesday’s NA session will address the 2023 Medium-term Budget Policy Statement, Adjustments Appropriation Bill, and the Eskom Debt Relief Amendment Bill. The session will conclude with farewell speeches.

In parallel, the NCOP will discuss and consider legislation including the Judicial Matters Amendment Bill and the National Health Insurance Bill, which seeks to establish a universal health coverage system. The NCOP’s final sitting on Friday will focus on the Adjustments Appropriation Bill and include farewell speeches.

This week also features nine committee meetings, covering various topics from economic development to environmental protection and public enterprises. Some key meetings include briefings by the Industrial Development Corporation and the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment, as well as discussions on bills related to taxation, transportation, and public procurement.

The week’s activities reflect Parliament’s ongoing efforts to address crucial national issues, from healthcare reform to environmental protection, showcasing the South African government’s commitment to legislative progress and national development.

For more information and the complete schedule of committee meetings, visit Parliament’s official website.

Enquiries: Moloto Mothapo, Parliament of the Republic of South Africa.

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