South African Parliament Busy with Hearings and Debates This Week

Cape Town, South Africa – This week, the South African Parliament is engaged in a range of activities, including public hearings, legislative discussions, and international participation. National Assembly (NA) Speaker, Ms. Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, will lead a multi-party delegation to the 28th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, starting from 30 November.

According to Parliament of South Africa, The COP28 is a crucial global event where discussions focus on addressing the climate crisis, including limiting global temperature rise, adapting to climate change effects, and working towards net-zero emissions by 2050. The South African delegation, comprising government departments and civil society representatives, will join over 70,000 delegates, including UN member states, business leaders, and experts.

On Tuesday, the NA will begin its sitting at 10:00 with a debate on the 9th BRICS Parliamentary Forum. Various Budget Review and Recommendation Reports (BRRR) of Portfolio Committees will also be considered. Discussions will include reports from committees on Water and Sanitation, Communications and Digital Technologies, and International Relations and Cooperation.

A significant part of the agenda is a debate on the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children, focusing on the role of men in combating gender-based violence and femicide.

Wednesday will see Economic Cluster (4) Ministers appearing before the NA for a question-and-answer session. This session will involve ministers from finance, agriculture, environment, communications, employment, and energy sectors, among others. Further considerations of BRRR reports will also continue.

On Thursday, the NA will consider various legislative reports during its hybrid plenary. These include reports on finance, cooperative governance, and communications, highlighting the diverse range of issues currently before Parliament.

In addition to these discussions, the National Assembly’s Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy will conduct public hearings on the Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill in the Eastern Cape. These hearings are part of Parliament’s mandate to facilitate public participation in the legislative process.

The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) also has a busy schedule with two plenary sittings this week. On Wednesday, several Bills, including the Division of Revenue Amendment Bill and the National Health Insurance Bill, will be under consideration. Thursday’s agenda includes debates on water quality in South Africa and a virtual Joint Programming Committee meeting to plan Parliament’s program for the next year.

Additionally, there are twenty-eight committee meetings scheduled this week, covering a wide range of topics from appropriations to health and social services.

This week’s parliamentary activities reflect the diverse and dynamic nature of legislative work in South Africa, encompassing both local and global issues.

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