South Africa hosts the United Nations 6th International Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping Symposium, 21 to 24 Jun


The Republic of South Africa to host the United Nations 6th International Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping Symposium

The Republic of South Africa (RSA), as a Member State to the United Nations (UN) and a Troop and Police contributing country, has been nominated to host the 6th United Nations Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping Symposium. The Symposium will be held at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) International Convention Centre (ICC) in the City of Tshwane (Pretoria), Republic of South Africa from 21-24 June 2022. This is a key annual event in the provision of Technology to UN Peace Missions.

The PTP symposium is a UN initiative organized by Department of Operational Support (DOS) intended to create a platform where member states, troop and police contributing countries, fund contributing countries and specialized personnel and equipment pledging countries as well as the international community can collaborate with the UN to promote the use of modern advanced technologies and concepts in UN-led field missions. The symposium falls within the scope of the mandate of the General Assembly resolution(s) 46/48 of 9 December 1991, 48/42 of 10 December 1993 under which are Peacekeeping Training requirements and the use of Technology in Peacekeeping

Attendees of the Symposium will include participants invited by the United Nations. These will comprise of Member States, Civil Society and Academia, UN Officials, International Consultants, Participants invited as observers by the United Nations and the Government of RSA including representatives from Inter-Governmental or Non-Governmental organizations or Institutions.The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Thandi Modise will address the Symposium.

Furthermore, amongst the Senior Personnel from the UN who will be part of this event are the Under-Secretary General for Operational Support, Mr Atul Khare and the Assistant Secretary-General for Supply Chain Management, Mr Christian Saunders.

The country remains committed to enhancing the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations, as such South African enterprises are already providing services to the UN in this field. The Procurement Seminar is therefore aimed at broadening such participation.

South Africa will be the first African country to host the Partnership for Technology In Peacekeeping Symposium. Previous Symposiums were hosted by European and Asian countries. This is an important milestone for the African Continent..

By hosting this Symposium, South Africa hopes to;

• Promote locally developed Technology products,

• Increase awareness of what RSA has to offer to the UN Missions and Member States Technology-wise,

• Enhance the indigenous Defence Industries Capabilities at a United Nations-led platform that has Global reach.

The 6th United Nations Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping Symposium local organisers and participants include, the State Security Agency (SSA), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Department of Home Affairs (DHA), South African Police Service (SAPS), National Defence Industry Council (NDIC) and other participants.


There will be a joint UN/RSA media briefing on Tuesday, 21 June 2022. The media briefing will be held at the CSIR International Convention Centre (Amber Auditorium). The briefing will commence at 10:00am for 10:30am.

Members of the media are invited to attend and give coverage to this auspicious historic event. RSVP must reach Colonel Ronald Maseko at 083 410 1665 on or before Thursday, 16 June 2022 no later than 10:00am.


Accreditation is required for attending the media briefing. Interested or attending members of the media will be assisted with accreditation at the CSIR on Friday, 17 June 2022 (must send RSVP prior to accessing accreditation centre).

Operating times are from 09:30am until 16:00am (walk-in service).

ENQUIRIES: Mr Siphiwe Dlamini (Head of Communication), 083 410 1257

Source: Government of South Africa