Soon the first production unit of veterinary medicines in Burkina Faso (minister)

Soon the first production unit of veterinary medicines in Burkina Faso (minister)

Ouagadougou, September 26, 2023 (AIB) – The Minister in charge of Animal Resources, Dr Amadou Dicko, indicated that the first production unit of veterinary medicines is being built in Burkina Faso.

The 7th edition of the veterinary days opened on Tuesday and ends on Friday.

On the occasion, the Minister Delegate in charge of Animal Resources, Dr Amadou Dicko indicated that no veterinary medicine is currently manufactured in Burkina Faso.

‘At the department level, we are in the process of setting up a veterinary medicine manufacturing unit,’ he added.

Dr Dicko also mentioned the opening of a prospective veterinary school in Burkina Faso to increase the number of veterinarians with a view to achieving food self-sufficiency.

According to the organizers, veterinary days provide an opportunity to raise awareness among populations about the use of approved medications.

‘We need to make a stop, provide guidance and, above all
, raise awareness among the population. People need to have the information because many people pay for medicines in the markets,’ indicated the president of the National Order of Veterinarians, Charles Dieudonné Mandé.

For Mr. Mandé, the veterinary days which are held from September 26 to 29, 2023, constitute an opportunity to reflect on the problem of veterinary medicines in Burkina Faso.

He spoke on Tuesday in Ouagadougou, during the opening ceremony of the 7th edition of veterinary days under the theme ‘Veterinary drugs: issues and prospects for their use for the promotion of animal production and the protection of public health in a context of insecurity.

The president of the National Order of Veterinarians also indicated that the 96-hour meeting will be marked, among other things, by communications relating to the theme and an exhibition where stakeholders in the livestock sector will showcase their know-how. .

According to the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, Dr Robert Lucien Jean-Claude Karg
ougou, livestock farming contributes up to 14% of the added value of the primary sector and is practiced by more than 80% of households.

‘This sub-sector, which ranks 4th in export products, strengthens the livelihoods of populations in rural areas and contributes to food and nutritional security,’ he added.

Dr Kargougou explained that the veterinary profession is governed by a law which is responsible, among other things, for maintaining the discipline of its members and ensuring compliance with the legislative and regulatory provisions which govern veterinary practice.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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