Somali PM Reports Over Half a Million Displaced, 1 Million Affected by Flash Floods

MOGADISHU: Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre of Somalia, in his speech at the Somali Blue Economy Investment Conference, revealed that over half a million people have been displaced and more than one million affected by flash floods across the country.

According to Somali National News Agency, Prime Minister Barre highlighted the urgent need for support for mothers, children, and the elderly who are currently on the streets due to heavy rains, facing health risks associated with flooding. He called on the Somali people to provide assistance to those who have been displaced and are in need of shelter and basic necessities. Additionally, the Prime Minister discussed the government’s focus on attracting foreign investment to boost internal production and achieve self-sufficiency. He emphasized that instability and internal conflicts are impediments to utilizing local resources and announced the approval of a bill for foreign investment. The conference, attended by various officials, aims to discuss investment opportunities and is scheduled to last for two days.

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