Somali National Army and Local Forces Repel Al-Shabaab in Galgudud

Mogadishu – In the Galgudud region of Somalia, the Somali National Army, with the support of local forces, successfully conducted an operation near the town of Ceel-dheer, inflicting significant losses on Al-Shabaab militants. Commander Abdulle Mohamud Barre of the local forces confirmed to the Somali National News Agency the operation’s success, noting the elimination of 10 Al-Shabaab members, including two commanders.

According to Somali National News Agency, this operation follows a recent engagement in which the Somali National Army’s Danab forces, along with international partners, eliminated 60 Al-Shabaab militants in an area southwest of Halgan town in the Hiiraan region. These consecutive successes represent a significant blow to Al-Shabaab, a militant group designated as a terrorist organization by various countries and international organizations.