Somali Cabinet Approves Anti-Piracy and Anti-Kidnapping Bill

MOGADISHU, SOMALIA – The Somali government approved a bill on Thursday designed to intensify the fight against maritime crimes, including piracy and kidnapping.

According to Somali National News Agency, the bill was presented to the cabinet by Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Hassan Moalim Mohamud and will now be forwarded to the parliament for further approval.

The bill provides a comprehensive framework for tackling maritime crimes, outlining severe penalties for those involved, as well as clear guidelines for the detention and handling of piracy suspects. Mohamud indicated that this legislation would enhance actions against piracy and kidnapping along the Indian coastline and other international maritime areas.

Mohamud noted the new law marks a significant step forward in ensuring a fair and transparent judicial process for those accused of maritime crimes. “The 1975 law currently in place is inadequate for addressing the complexities of crimes that often cross our borders. It is essential that our laws conform to international standards and meet the legal requirements of our society,” he stated.

The approval comes at a time when many Somali nationals have been apprehended, tried, and sentenced in neighboring countries for piracy activities committed along their coastlines.

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