Social Sector Gets Increase in State Budget for 2025.


Luanda: The total amount of expenses for the social sector in the 2025 State Budget (OGE) has been increased from 4.9 billion kwanzas in 2024 to Kz 7.4 billion for the coming financial year. Speaking at a press conference that served to present the OGE2025, the Finance Minister, Vera Daves, explained that the amount represents a budgetary growth of 44% for the social sector.

According to Angola Press News Agency, the minister highlighted the budgetary allocation proposal for several programs including the Expansion and Improvement of the National Health System, the Expansion and Improvement of the Education System, as well as the program for the Construction, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Roads Infrastructures, and the Water sector.

The budgetary allocation for the Education sector grew by 43%, Housing and Community Services by 59%, Environmental Protection by 10%, Social Protection by 58%, and Recreation, Culture, and Religion by 124%, with Health seeing a 41% increase.

Additionally, the minister
informed that the OGE2025 already includes the financial allocation to support the implementation of the new Politico-Administrative Division of Angola, which increases the number of provinces from 18 to 21.

The 2025 State Budget (OGE) foresees revenues and expenses of over 33 billion kwanzas, an amount that is higher than the current budget of Kz 24.7 billion. The Draft OGE2025 has already been submitted to the National Assembly (Angolan parliament).