Social protection and Microinsurance: Zambia Country Case Study (December 2022)

Series of five country case studies (Ethiopia, Zambia, Madagascar, Bangladesh, Fiji) on the design of microinsurance programmes and their linkages with social protection. This series country case studies (Ethiopia, Zambia, Madagascar, Bangladesh, Fiji) focuses on the design of microinsurance programmes and their linkages with social protection, including good practices and recommendations for replication in other countries and the strengthening of cross-functional work. Key informant interviews (KIIs) were conducted with WFP stakeholders (at global, regional and/or country level) working on social protection/climate and resilience in the selected countries.

Some relevant linkages identified include: (1) using social protection schemes as an entry-point for scale-up of microinsurance (Ethiopia – PSNP; Zambia – FISP), (2) leveraging national social protection systems to reduce operational and transfer costs, e.g. by adopting the same selection criteria and transfer mechanisms (Fiji), (3) using SP funds to finance microinsurance pilot projects (Madagascar – UN SDG Fund), and (4) cross-functional work increases advocacy and consolidates microinsurance solutions as part of national social protection strategies (Bangladesh – National Social Security Strategy Action Plan II).

Source: World Food Programme

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