Social cohesion: The NGO OCADES SED Fada equips customary and religious leaders on their responsibility in Bogandé.

The NGO OCADES SED Fada organized from March 29 to 30, 2023, a training workshop for the benefit of customary and religious leaders of the province of Gnagna on their role and responsibility in the promotion of social cohesion and the culture of peace.

The workshop brought together around twenty participants, in particular customary and religious authorities of the Gnagna. It was the meeting room of the prefecture of Bogandé that served as the setting for this capacity building activity.

This 48-hour training is part of the implementation of the activities of the support project for the promotion of respect for human rights and the prevention of community and interpersonal conflicts in the Eastern region led by OCADES SED FADA. According to Father Jacques Tindano of the organizing committee and president of the Inter-religious Network of Gnagna, the objective pursued is to promote social cohesion and the culture of peace with the support of customary and religious leaders.

Three themes were developed during the Bogandé workshop, including social cohesion, the role and responsibility of customary and religious leaders in building community security and communication for behavior change. The work was punctuated by group work on practical cases of life in society.

The trainer Michel Haro, president of the sub-section of the MBDHP of Bogandé urged all the participants to be actors of peace within the communities. “You must seize every opportunity to raise awareness and remind your members of the imperative need to cultivate certain values of society for harmonious living together,” he added.

The participants appreciated the quality of the work and the relevance of the themes addressed. They wanted such initiatives to multiply in order to strengthen their capacity on social cohesion.


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