SNC Bobo 2023: Another inter-regional culinary arts competition


Bobo-Dioulasso, In culinary arts, some regions of Burkina Faso are in competition through several candidates.

Candidates in the culinary arts are grouped together at the National School of Primary Teachers in Bobo-Dioulasso. Originally from the eastern region of Gnagna, Martine Madiaga offers a purely Eastern dish, namely potash tô (millet paste), accompanied by Moringa sauce with freshwater fish.

Paul Convelbo, from the central plateau (Ziniaré), composes a dessert, that is to say rice pancake with shea jam. He makes a mixture of honey from shea flowers.

Representative of the Center region, Solange Kaboré competes with a light dish. This dish consists of salad and mungbean (bean).

Source: Burkina Information Agency