Six Students on Trial in Ouagadougou for Endangering Classmates During Protests

OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso – The High Court of Ouagadougou commenced the trial of six students on Saturday, facing charges of endangering the lives of their classmates during class disruptions in December 2023.

According to Burkina Information Agency, these incidents are part of a more than two-decade-long tradition where students organize strikes in December, advocating for justice for journalist Norbert Zongo and student Flavien Nebié. This year’s protests led to the arrest of six individuals accused of causing disturbances in various educational establishments. The trial, held at the TGI of Ouaga I on January 27, 2024, saw four of the accused appearing freely, while the remaining two were in detention.

The central allegation against the students is the endangerment of their peers and others due to the possession and utilization of tear gas grenades. One of the accused is specifically charged with using a tear gas bomb in an educational institution, which resulted in injuries.

The case brings into focus the ongoing issue of student activism in Burkina Faso, particularly the methods employed during protests and the implications for public safety. The trial is being closely watched as it addresses the delicate balance between the right to peaceful protest and the need to maintain safety and order in educational settings.

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