Sissili: The living forces of the province are consulting on new reforms

The High Commissioner of the province of Sissili, Téwendé Isaac Sia, led on June 7 and 8, 2023 in Léo, the days of reflection on the administrative, political and institutional reforms envisaged in Burkina Faso, in framework for the implementation of the Stabilization and Development Action Plan.

“These days of consultation with the living forces of the province of Sissili are part of the implementation of the Stabilization and Development Action Plan (PASD 2023-2025)”, mentioned the High Commissioner from the province, Tewendé Isaac Sia.

According to him, the Action Plan is structured around four pillars, namely, combating terrorism and restoring the integrity of the State, responding to the humanitarian crisis, rebuilding the State and improving governance, working towards reconciliation national and social cohesion.

In the opinion of the High Commissioner, this consultation will concern the institutional reforms envisaged by the transition.

“This is political reform on the promotion of democracy and good political governance, and administrative and institutional reforms to promote good administrative governance, modernize the State and strengthen decentralization and local governance”, said – he mentioned.

The work of the workshop took place under the guidance of the first magistrate of the province of Sissili, Téwendé Isaac Sia.

He was assisted by the Secretary General of the province, Baowindsida Bingo, and the president of the Special Delegation of the commune of Léo, Kassoum Koalaga.

For two days, the participants in the consultation meeting discussed the reforms proposed by the transition for a new Burkina Faso.

The living forces of the province, have become aware of these reforms submitted to their appreciation by making amendments and observations on the changes to be taken into account in the conduct of the affairs of the State.

They also expressed their opinions and expectations regarding the transition.

21 reform projects, including 10 policies and 11 administrative and institutional on the promotion of good political governance, the strengthening of democratic culture, the fight against corruption and the changes to be made at the administrative and institutional level, have been the subject of exchanges during these consultation days.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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