Sissili Province Launches National Family Planning Week to Promote Socio-Economic Balance

Léo – The high commissioner of the Sissili province, Tewendé Isaac Sia, inaugurated the national week on family planning in Léo on Monday, November 6, 2023. The initiative, aimed at enhancing women’s socio-economic balance, marks the 12th edition of this event in Burkina Faso.

According to Burkina Information Agency, head doctor of the Léo health district, the Family Planning (FP) week is part of a broader effort to reduce maternal mortality and promote reproductive health. This year’s theme, “National Family Planning Week, more than 10 years of progress: The urgency of accelerating remains to achieve the SDGs with communities,” reflects the ongoing commitment to this cause. The activities commenced at the Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS) of sector no. 5 of Léo in the Sissili province.

The week’s events, spanning all health facilities in the district, included talks, product exhibitions, and activities focusing on different FP methods. A highlight was the free offering of contraceptive methods and the maracana finale. These activities are designed to dismantle barriers and prejudices that impede access to FP services.

Family planning has been identified as a key strategy in the nation’s efforts to reduce maternal mortality. Since 2012, the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, with support from technical and financial partners, has annually organized this event.

Dr. Abdou noted that after eleven editions, the national family planning week has proven to be an effective strategy for promoting FP. The approach involves advocacy with political, administrative, customary, religious, and community leaders at all levels of social mobilization and intensification of FP services, aimed at promoting easy access to services for national development.

For Tewendé Isaac Sia, the high commissioner of Sissili province, the timing of the national FP week is crucial for improving the contraceptive prevalence indicators of the Léo health district. He commended the Ministry of Health for initiating the event, which addresses broader issues in Burkinabe society, including the problem of unwanted pregnancies in schools.

Highlighting a significant concern, Mr. Sia pointed out that the Central-West region recorded 452 students as victims of unwanted pregnancies from 2016 to 2017. He emphasized the collective responsibility to support health actions favoring reproductive health and FP.

In conclusion, the high commissioner praised the dedication of health workers and the head doctor of the health district for their commitment to the populations of Sissili.

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