Sissili Province Launches BEPC 2024 Exams with 2,970 Candidates


LEO — The annual First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC) examinations commenced on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at the Communal High School of Leo, under the oversight of the High Commissioner of Sissili province, Tewindé Isaac Sia. A total of 2,970 candidates are participating in this year’s exams, marking a decrease from the previous session.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the provincial director in charge of secondary education, the exams saw a participation of 1,736 girls and 1,234 boys, distributed across 18 secondary centers and 13 juries in the province. The decrease from the 3,438 candidates of the 2023 session was noted, but the reasons for this decline were not detailed.

The High Commissioner Sia, alongside Mimtiri Oualbéogo and representatives from military and paramilitary authorities, inaugurated the exam sessions. Sia encouraged the students to remain calm and focused, emphasizing the importance of not allowing anxiety to affect their performance. Oualbéogo assured that all necessary preparations have been made to ensure the smooth conduct of the exams and commended the local authorities and educational staff for their continued support in maintaining the quality of education in Sissili.