Sissili Province Hosts Government Delegation to Discuss Security and Infrastructure Needs

LÉO, SISSILI — On Thursday, July 29, 2024, a government delegation led by Bassolma Bazié, Minister of State and Minister of Civil Service, visited Léo in Sissili Province to engage directly with local leaders and citizens on a variety of pressing issues, including the ongoing fight against terrorism.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the visit was crucial for understanding the local population’s perceptions and suggestions concerning national security efforts and other governmental actions. The delegation, which also included Edasso Rodrigue Bayala, Minister of Justice, and Stella Eldine Kabré/Kaboré, Minister Delegate in charge of regional cooperation, facilitated an open dialogue with the province’s vital forces to discuss their concerns and assess the effectiveness of current strategies.

Participants in the meeting highlighted several areas of concern, notably the inadequate quality of telecommunications networks and the state of road infrastructure, which they believe hampers the ability of combat forces to respond effectively in emergencies. The discussions also covered the need for improved training for monitoring structures and enhanced security at the borders.

Key suggestions from the community included the networking of police and gendarmerie stations throughout the province and the provision of surveillance drones to bolster security measures. There was a strong call from the participants for the government to adopt a zero-tolerance policy against terrorism, with some advocating for the reintroduction of the death penalty as a necessary measure in the fight against terrorism.

The meeting also focused on the need to fortify security around key institutions and to prioritize intelligence gathering. Government members engaged with a range of stakeholders, including administrative authorities, customary notables, and local defense forces.

As a gesture of support, the government delegation concluded the visit by distributing food supplies to the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) operating in Sissili Province, underscoring the government’s commitment to addressing both the immediate and long-term challenges faced by the region.

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