Sissili Hosts Community Cultural Days to Foster Peace and Unity

LÉO, Burkina Faso — The association of customary and traditional chiefs of the province of Sissili organized a significant event, the community cultural days, on January 21 and 22, 2024, in Léo. The event was aimed at promoting cultural diversity and fostering social cohesion among various communities.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the cultural days were themed ‘cultural diversity and social cohesion’. The event showcased the cultural and linguistic diversities of indigenous and non-native communities, highlighting their history of coexistence in harmony. Attendees from Sissili and beyond had the opportunity to experience the diverse cultural expressions presented by the participating communities.

Kassoum Koalaga, the president of the special delegation of the commune of Léo, emphasized the role of culture in strengthening social cohesion, citing “joking relationships” as a key example. He expressed confidence that the event would contribute to reinforcing peaceful cohabitation among different ethnic, religious, and professional groups in Sissili.

His Majesty, the head of the canton of Léo, underscored the importance of cultural days as opportunities for different communities to interact, build friendships, and promote fraternity, essential for social cohesion and unity. In his view, such events are crucial for maintaining Burkina Faso’s unity and indivisibility.

Dramane B Nignan, representing the event’s sponsors, praised the initiative, especially in the current context marked by insecurity. He noted the critical need for social cohesion in Burkina Faso to effectively combat external threats. Nignan commended the residents of Sissili for their unified response to the call for cohesion.

The Minister in charge of Justice, Edasso Bayala, speaking on behalf of the Minister in charge of Culture, thanked His Majesty and the customary and traditional leaders of Sissili for organizing the event. He highlighted that the theme challenges individuals and communities to contribute to building a peaceful Burkina Faso, essential for sustainable development. Bayala also noted the theme’s relevance in demonstrating the expressive social dimension of culture across the regions of Burkina Faso.

The success of the cultural days has sparked plans for its continuation, with hopes that preparations for the next edition will begin immediately following the closure of this year’s event.

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