Sissili: A day of safety at the central market of Léo, to mark the celebration of March 08 in apotheosis.

Léo, The communal coordination of the women of Léo, initiated on Saturday March 11, 2023, a day of safety around the large market of Léo to mark the end of the activities falling within the framework of the commemoration of the March 8, 2023.

Armed with rakes, shovels, brooms, basins and tricycles, the young people, the women, the constituted bodies headed by the first person in charge of the province, Tewendé Isaac Sia, proceeded to the cleaning of the gutters all along the market and market cleaning. This activity organized by the communal coordination of the women of Léo aims to clean up and rid the Léo market of all waste and annoying garbage. It is also part of the celebration of March 08, 2023.

The president of the special delegation of Léo, Kassoum Koalaga, welcomed this women’s initiative which constitutes “a civic act”.

He also welcomed the strong mobilization of the population for this activity and invited them to do everything possible on a daily basis to clean up their living environment.

For the communal women’s coordinator, the choice of the market to house this activity is justified by the fact that the market is the meeting place for all women to make purchases or sell goods.

“It is a duty for us women to always keep it clean and livable, if we want our families to be healthy,” she said.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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