Singapore, Ethiopia Serve as Gateways to Enhance Links Between Southeast Asia and Africa: PM Wong

ADDIS ABABA: Singapore’s Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong stated that there is potential for Singapore and Ethiopia to serve as gateways to enhance links between Southeast Asia and Africa.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, he made these remarks during his toast speech at the official dinner in honor of Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Singapore-based companies are interested in expanding operations in Ethiopia in agriculture, logistics, and aircraft maintenance. “As hubs to our respective regions, there is scope for Singapore and Ethiopia to serve as gateways to enhance links between Southeast Asia and Africa,” Wong affirmed. He also highlighted that both leaders are committed to taking the bilateral relationship to greater heights, agreeing to establish bilateral consultations between their foreign ministries to explore new areas of cooperation.

The countries are also exploring cooperation in new areas like transport, connectivity, digitalization, and capacity-building issues. Prime Minister Abiy emphasized the importance of political and economic continuity in Africa and Ethiopia. The two leaders discussed ways to enhance bilateral relations, coinciding with the 55th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

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