Sierra Leone Ambassador Highlights Desire to Learn from Ethiopia’s Development

ADDIS ABABA — Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Harold Saffa, expressed his country’s interest in adopting development strategies from Ethiopia, particularly in areas like infrastructure and food self-sufficiency. During an interview with the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA), Saffa praised the bilateral relations between the two nations and Ethiopia’s progress.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, since arriving in Addis Ababa in January, he has witnessed significant advancements in Ethiopia’s infrastructure development. He noted that these developments are aspects Sierra Leone is keen to emulate, especially Ethiopia’s efforts toward achieving food self-sufficiency. “We want to benefit from what Ethiopia has done,” Saffa said, underscoring the common African heritage that links both nations and their potential for mutual growth through technology and knowledge transfer.

Saffa also commented on the strategic importance of the African Union’s presence in Addis Ababa and how it serves as an inspiration for other African countries. He lauded the launch of Ethiopian Airlines’ new thrice-weekly flights to Freetown, which he believes will open up new avenues for tourism and cultural exchange between Ethiopia and Sierra Leone. The service, which started yesterday, is expected to enhance accessibility to Sierra Leone’s pristine beaches and historic sites for tourists, while Ethiopians can explore Sierra Leone’s rich cultural and historical landscapes.

In his closing remarks, the ambassador praised the hospitality of the Ethiopian people and the cultural exchanges that strengthen the ties between the nations. “This exchange will undoubtedly enrich our cultural landscapes, foster greater people-to-people ties, and promote mutual appreciation of our diverse heritages,” Saffa noted.

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