Sié Boro Assumes Role as Provincial Director of Culture, Arts, and Tourism in Ganzourgou

Zorgho – Mrs. Sié Boro, a seasoned administrator of cinema and audiovisual, has officially assumed her role as the Provincial Director of Culture, Arts, and Tourism of Ganzourgou. The transition ceremony was held at the meeting room of the Zorgho High Commission, where she took over from Mr. Seydou Ouédraogo, the outgoing director.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the ceremony was presided over by Mr. Harouna Karambiri, Secretary General of the province, who represented the High Commissioner, Mrs. Aminata Sorgho/Gouba. Mr. Seydou Ouédraogo, who served in the role for nearly four years, used the occasion to thank his supporters and expressed confidence in the cultural future of the province. He stated, “The foundations we have laid are solid.”

In his speech, Mr. Karambiri lauded Mr. Ouédraogo’s contributions and formally welcomed Mrs. Sié Boro to her new position. He urged her to dedicate herself fully to her responsibilities and emphasized the importance of managing with rigor and transparency.

Mrs. Sié Boro expressed her gratitude towards the nation’s leaders, particularly President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, and the Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts, and Tourism, Mr. Rimtalba Jean-Emmanuel Ouédraogo, for their trust in her capabilities. She also acknowledged her predecessor and the cultural community of Ganzourgou for their dedication.

The ceremony also featured remarks from Mr. Gouinkouni Bernard SABA, the regional director of culture for the Central Plateau. He congratulated Mrs. Boro and highlighted the accomplishments of Mr. Ouédraogo, emphasizing the ongoing need to safeguard the province’s cultural heritage and collaborate to maintain its momentum.

This event marks a significant step forward for the cultural, artistic, and tourism development in Ganzourgou, an area noted for its substantial cultural and tourist resources.

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