Shortage of blood products in Boulsa: The cry of the heart of Dr Émile Compaoré

The head doctor of the Boulsa health district (MCD), Doctor Emile Compaoré, sends a heartfelt cry to development partners, blood donors and goodwill to come to the aid of his district out of blood products.

Three children under the age of 5 have unfortunately already lost their lives in the past two weeks due to a lack of this vital liquid.

According to Dr Émile Compaoré, the urgent reaction of each other will save many cases, especially children.

According to the doctor, the shortage is due, among other things, to the high demand, the difficulty of carrying out collection trips because of the security situation, the holidays of the main blood donors who are the students, the virtual impracticality certain roads during this winter period.

He indicated that the difficult security context in Namentenga has meant that the Sampling Distributor Depot (DPD) of Kaya in charge of the collection and dispatching of blood products in the Center-North region is unable to perform its task properly.

Very worried about the evolution of malaria cases in this winter period, the MCD on behalf of the president of the health council, of the district, of the High Commissioner of the province Adama Conseiga, launches a cry of heart to the goodwill of come to them to offer part of their life to save lives.

He thanks in advance all those who will be present to donate their blood to the urban CSPS of Boulsa.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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