Several agreements signed, a joint cooperation commission created

The Prime Minister, Dr Apollinaire Joachimson KYELEM de TAMBELA, stayed from July 19 to 21, 2023 in Managua, Nicaragua. On the occasion of this visit, the Head of Government of the Transition was the distinguished guest of the official ceremony to celebrate the 44th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista revolution. Many agreements have also been signed and a joint cooperation commission set up, with the aim of strengthening the historical ties and the relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

In the Nicaraguan capital, the Prime Minister and his delegation took part in the official ceremony of the 44th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista revolution, chaired by the President of the Republic, Commander Daniel ORTEGA. During this ceremony, Burkina Faso was the guest of honor.

The stay of Dr. Apollinaire Joachimson KYELEM de TAMBELA was also marked by an interview with the President of the National Assembly of Nicaragua, Dr. Gustavo Porras, as well as a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during which several agreements were signed.

These agreements cover the following development sectors: economy and finance; trade; industry; farming; animal husbandry; scientific and technological research; vocational training, health; the sport ; culture and tourism; the media.

In addition, the two parties have encouraged cooperation between institutions, public and/or private companies in their respective countries, in accordance with their respective national legislations.

Burkina Faso and Nicaragua have also decided to create a Joint Cooperation Commission between them. This is responsible for applying and monitoring the Framework Cooperation Agreement. The Joint Cooperation Commission is composed of representatives of the two Governments.

Its coordination is the responsibility of the Ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs of Burkina Faso and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua. It meets every two (02) years, alternately in Burkina Faso and in the Republic of Nicaragua, on the dates agreed by the Parties.

In addition to the meetings planned within the framework of the Joint Cooperation Commission, the two countries can also organize, at the bilateral level, consultations and regular meetings, having for objective, the knowledge of the respective realities of the two countries and the study of specific questions of common interest.

The visit of Dr. KYELEM de TAMBELA was an opportunity for the authorities of this Central American country to express the wish to open an embassy in Burkina Faso and that our country also open one in Nicaragua.

At the end of his stay, the Head of Government praised the discipline, dedication, patriotism and cleanliness of the Nicaraguans.

“Nicaragua is what I would like for Burkina Faso, that is to say that without a lot of means, we can make our country envied and enviable, that it is pleasant to be there. When you are here in Managua, it is pleasant, because the city is clean, well ventilated, well maintained, there is discipline. What we lack at the moment in Burkina Faso. This is a good lesson that we can learn to organize our country too. But, for all this, you need an ideal,” he argued.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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