Séno: Fifteen media actors trained on accountability and social cohesion

The Action pour la culture du développement association (ACD NAANGUE) organized from September 19 to 20, 2023, in Dori, training for the benefit of fifteen media actors on their role in the exercise of accountability, participation citizenship and social cohesion in the context of decentralization.

According to the coordinator of ACD NAANGUE, Abdoulaye Soura, this training is part of the partnership between its structure and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), through its Local Governance and Social Cohesion (GoLCoS) program initiated in 2020. .

According to Mr. Soura, the training also aims to strengthen the capacities of media actors on decentralization and related terms, such as accountability, social cohesion and citizen monitoring and participation.

“We expect journalists, based on the knowledge acquired on the themes developed and their professional skills, to forge among the populations values on living together and social cohesion,” he added.

Burkina Faso, it must be remembered, has been in the eye of the terrorist cyclone since 2015.

The attacks and abuses of armed terrorist groups have caused the displacement of populations towards much more reassuring localities.

This situation has created new development challenges such as inclusive, equitable, participatory and transparent governance of the territory, improving the supply and accessibility of local public services to populations, particularly women and young people.

This requires the involvement and consideration of the interests and capabilities of all citizens without discrimination.

To counter the threat to social cohesion between internally displaced people and host populations, awareness-raising, good information and communication appear to be an essential strategy.

This is why during the work of the session, the participants recognized that they were available to play their part in the success of decentralization.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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